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13.04.2020 03:09 •  Английский язык

№1. Choose the correct item
1) Mark Zuckerberg launched / calculated Facebook in 2004.
2) After performing live for three hours the singer showed no signs / trends of exhaustion
3) Before the curtain the actors took their place on the stage.
A revealed B rose C showed D hung
4) They got in bad weather while on holiday.
A caught C gathered B grabbed D blown

№2. Choose the correct grammar form.
1) When Ryan was young he …….. to go fishing.
A used B using C use
2) They …….. when they got a flat tyre.
A were driving B drove
3) Did Ann …….. play the violin as a child?
A use B use to C used
4) They …….. at University when they met.
A studied B were studying
5) At 7 pm yesterday, Jane …….. on the Net.
A surfed B was surfing
6) They …….. to the theatre last night.
A went B were going

№3. Choose the correct response.
1) A: What did you do on Sunday?
B: a I went to a music concert.
b It was nothing special.
2) A: I tried calling you on Friday.
B: a Sorry, I was out.
b I had a good time.
3) A: Did you enjoy the performance?
B: a Not really.
b I don’t believe it.
4) A: I stayed home and watched a film.
B: a What’s the problem?
b Did you enjoy it?
5) A: How was the pop concert?
B: a We had great seats!
b That’s right!

№4. Read the text. In each question choose the right answer A, B, C or D.
Andalusia, a region of Spain, is a must-see for anyone planning to visit the country. This part of Spain, which lies in the southern part of the country. The beautiful architecture and the delicious cuisine are sure to delight you. However, there is one experience that visitors shouldn’t miss: watching a flamenco performance.
Flamenco is a musical form that started in Andalusia in the late 1700s. The musical style has a mixture of gypsy music. Perhaps the thing that makes flamenco so enchanting lies in the fact that it is very simple. It only takes two or three people to make this beautiful music and there are three main sounds that characterise it: guitar, voice and clapping hands.
Flamenco singers are famous for their deep and strong voices that are full of emotion. At times, the singer also dances with graceful arm movements and stomping feet.
Today, there are over twenty different types of flamenco. Some include more than one guitarist and some have many dancers. There is also a great variety of places to take in a performance, from large venues to tiny streets. Regardless of the type of flamenco you see or where you decide to watch it, you are sure to be charmed by this mysteriously powerful art form.

1) Andalusia is
A a country near Spain.
B a city in southern Spain.
С a region in northern Africa.

2) Flamenco’s musical style
А has its roots in north Africa.
В derives from a variety of cultures.
С only shows influence from gypsy music.

3) According to the writer, flamenco is special because
A It doesn’t involve many people or instruments.
B it includes graceful arm movements.
C there is usually only one guitarist.

4) Flamenco singers
A usually also play the guitar.
B have soft voices.
C sing with passion.

5) You can watch a flamenco performance
A on the streets of Andalusia.
B only if you buy a meal.
C in different places.

Показать ответ
12.07.2021 21:00

I am exhausted. I have been driving for many hours – Я очень устал. Я ехал в течение многих часов.

My neighbour has been playing the piano since morning – Мой сосед играет на пианино с самого утра.

We have been waiting in the queue for two hours – Мы ждем в этой очереди уже два часа.

They have been talking for 20 minutes – Они разговаривают уже 20 минут.

My friend has been looking for a job since August – Мой друг с августа ищет работу.

We have been painting the walls in our new flat for a month – Мы в течение месяца красим стены в нашей новой квартире.

An old woman has been working in the garden since 2 o'clock – Старушка работает в саду с 2 часов.

The mechanics have been repairing this vintage car since Monday – Механики чинят этот старый автомобиль с понедельника.

The boys have been playing football since 2 o'clock – Мальчики играют в футбол с 2 часов.

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Places of Interest in Kazakhstan Достопримечательности Казахстана

Kazakhstan is an amazing country which many people call “a museum under the sky”. The country’s main landmark is steppe. It is situated in Middle Asia and is known for its numerous natural landmarks. Some of them are alpine meadows of Zailiyski Alatau, great landscapes of Canyon of Charyn River, legendary Burabai Lake. Казахстан является удивительной страной, которую многие люди называют «музеем под открытым небом». Основной достопримечательностью страны является степь. Она расположена в Средней Азии и известна своими многочисленными природными достопримечательностями. Вот некоторые из них: альпийские луга Зайлиский Алатау, великолепные пейзажи каньона реки Чарын, легендарное озеро Бурабай.

One of the most beautiful cities of the country is Almaty. It is located at the foot of the Zailiyski Alatau Mountains. The city impresses with amazing architectural ensembles which combine the elements of national style along with the newest designs. It is popular region of Tien Shan, which is famous for its versatile scenery. Not far from Almaty tourists can find Medeo and Chimbulak. These are two picturesque places with many attractions. One of them is a large highland skating-rink Medeo. There is also a huge dike to protect the city from landslides. Одним из самых красивых городов страны является Алма-Аты. Он расположен у подножия горы Зайлиский Алатау. Город впечатляет удивительными архитектурными ансамблями, которые сочетают элементы национального стиля наряду с самыми последними разработками. Это популярный район Тянь-Шаня, который славится своими универсальными пейзажами. Недалеко от Алма-Аты туристы могут видеть Медео и Чимбулак. Это два живописных места с большим количеством достопримечательностей. Одним из них является большой горный каток Медео. Там также существует огромная дамба для защиты города от оползней.

As Kazakhstan lies at the crossroads of ancient civilizations, many ancient sites can be found there. For example, the mausoleum complex of Hodja Ahmed Yassaui, who was a prominent Turkic poet, the royal burial place in the Berel area, the Issyk burial mound, etc. Поскольку Казахстан находится на перекрестке древних цивилизаций, здесь можно наблюдать многие древние памятники. Например, комплекс мавзолея Ходжа Ахмеда Яссауи, который был видным тюркского поэтом, королевские захоронения в области Берл, курган Иссык и т.д.

One of the most interesting phenomena of Kazakhstan is the Balkhash Lake, which is situated at a height of 340 meters. Half of the lake is fresh and half is salty. It is surrounded by hills and desert pastures. Borovoe Lake Resort with its pine forests and fancy natural sculptures is another tourist attraction. Одним из наиболее интересных явлений в Казахстане является озеро Балхаш, которое находится на высоте 340 метров. Половина озера состоит из пресной воды, а половина – из соленой. Оно находится в окружении холмов и пустынных пастбищ. Санаторий Борового озера с его сосновыми лесами и причудливыми природными скульптурами является еще одной туристической достопримечательностью.

Baikonur Cosmodrome became a historical place for the whole planet. The list of Kazakhstan sites can be rather long but I have tried to list the most impressive and famous ones. Космодром Байконур стал историческим местом для всей планеты. Список достопримечательностей, Казахстан может быть довольно длинным, но я попытался перечислить наиболее впечатляющие и известные из них.

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