Покажем, чтоЧастное и остаток от деления могут быть найдены в ходе выполнения следующих шагов:1. Делим первый элемент делимого на старший элемент делителя, помещаем результат под чертой .2. Умножаем делитель на полученный выше результат деления (на первый элемент частного). Записываем результат под первыми двумя элементами делимого .3. Вычитаем полученный после умножения многочлен из делимого, записываем результат под чертой .4. Повторяем предыдущие 3 шага, используя в качестве делимого многочлен, записанный под чертой.5. Повторяем шаг 4.
The towel on the wall… It’s our ancient custom. There was not a single Ukrainian house , which would not be decorates with towels. A house without a towel was compared with a family without children. A towel symbolized not only aesthetic taste , it was a face of a house and of a hostess. The towels proved that the hostess was tidy and hard-working.
A newly-born child was handed with the towel, guests were met with bread and salt on the towel. A son , a husband, a father were seen off with the towel. While getting married the newly-formed family was standing on a towel too. Bread and salt on an embroidered towel were a symbol of hospitality of the Ukrainian people. To take the towel , to kiss bread symbolized unity, peace, love , understanding among people. This custom has a good tradition in our country.
Towel were used in different ceremonies and in everyday life as well: for wiping a face and hands, for drying dishes, for decorating the houses, for presenting dear people. The ornaments and colours of towels were different in different regions. A lot of songs about the embroidered towel have been created in Ukraine. Объяснение:
The towel on the wall… It’s our ancient custom. There was not a single Ukrainian house , which would not be decorates with towels. A house without a towel was compared with a family without children. A towel symbolized not only aesthetic taste , it was a face of a house and of a hostess. The towels proved that the hostess was tidy and hard-working.
A newly-born child was handed with the towel, guests were met with bread and salt on the towel. A son , a husband, a father were seen off with the towel. While getting married the newly-formed family was standing on a towel too. Bread and salt on an embroidered towel were a symbol of hospitality of the Ukrainian people. To take the towel , to kiss bread symbolized unity, peace, love , understanding among people. This custom has a good tradition in our country.
Towel were used in different ceremonies and in everyday life as well: for wiping a face and hands, for drying dishes, for decorating the houses, for presenting dear people. The ornaments and colours of towels were different in different regions. A lot of songs about the embroidered towel have been created in Ukraine. Объяснение: