Нехай події Аj – влучення баскетболістом у кільце при j-ом кидку. Виразити наступні події: E1={перше влучення при третьому кидку }; E2={хоча б одне влучення при чотирьох кидках }; E3={усі п'ять промахів}; E4={рівно три влучення при чотирьох кидках};
The towel on the wall… It’s our ancient custom. There was not a single Ukrainian house , which would not be decorates with towels. A house without a towel was compared with a family without children. A towel symbolized not only aesthetic taste , it was a face of a house and of a hostess. The towels proved that the hostess was tidy and hard-working.
A newly-born child was handed with the towel, guests were met with bread and salt on the towel. A son , a husband, a father were seen off with the towel. While getting married the newly-formed family was standing on a towel too. Bread and salt on an embroidered towel were a symbol of hospitality of the Ukrainian people. To take the towel , to kiss bread symbolized unity, peace, love , understanding among people. This custom has a good tradition in our country.
Towel were used in different ceremonies and in everyday life as well: for wiping a face and hands, for drying dishes, for decorating the houses, for presenting dear people. The ornaments and colours of towels were different in different regions. A lot of songs about the embroidered towel have been created in Ukraine. Объяснение:
Решение Не выполняя построения, установите взаимное расположение графиков лин.функций: Будем проверять равенство коэффициентов при х и свободные члены y = k₁ + b₁ y = k₂x + b₂ сократим дроби 1) y=12/16x+8/10 = 3/4x + 4/5 y=15/20x+4/5 = 3/4x + 4/5 k₁ = k₂ и b₁ = b₂ Таким образом: y=12/16x+8/10 и y=15/20x+4/5 уравнения равносильны, значит графики этих функций - одна и та же прямая. То есть графики сливаются или совпадают.
2) y=8/9x-1/7 и y=8/9x+1/10 k₁ = k₂ = 8/9 значит графики этих функций - параллельны.
3) у=7x+8 и y=*x-4 k₁ ≠ k₂ и b₁ ≠ b₂ значит графики этих функций - пересекаются
4) y=*x-15 и y=3x+2 k₁ ≠ k₂ и b₁ ≠ b₂ значит графики этих функций - пересекаются
The towel on the wall… It’s our ancient custom. There was not a single Ukrainian house , which would not be decorates with towels. A house without a towel was compared with a family without children. A towel symbolized not only aesthetic taste , it was a face of a house and of a hostess. The towels proved that the hostess was tidy and hard-working.
A newly-born child was handed with the towel, guests were met with bread and salt on the towel. A son , a husband, a father were seen off with the towel. While getting married the newly-formed family was standing on a towel too. Bread and salt on an embroidered towel were a symbol of hospitality of the Ukrainian people. To take the towel , to kiss bread symbolized unity, peace, love , understanding among people. This custom has a good tradition in our country.
Towel were used in different ceremonies and in everyday life as well: for wiping a face and hands, for drying dishes, for decorating the houses, for presenting dear people. The ornaments and colours of towels were different in different regions. A lot of songs about the embroidered towel have been created in Ukraine. Объяснение:
Не выполняя построения, установите взаимное расположение графиков лин.функций:
Будем проверять равенство коэффициентов при х и свободные члены
y = k₁ + b₁ y = k₂x + b₂
сократим дроби
1) y=12/16x+8/10 = 3/4x + 4/5
y=15/20x+4/5 = 3/4x + 4/5
k₁ = k₂ и b₁ = b₂
Таким образом:
y=12/16x+8/10 и y=15/20x+4/5
уравнения равносильны, значит графики этих функций - одна и та же прямая. То есть графики сливаются или совпадают.
2) y=8/9x-1/7 и y=8/9x+1/10
k₁ = k₂ = 8/9
значит графики этих функций - параллельны.
3) у=7x+8 и y=*x-4
k₁ ≠ k₂ и b₁ ≠ b₂
значит графики этих функций - пересекаются
4) y=*x-15 и y=3x+2
k₁ ≠ k₂ и b₁ ≠ b₂
значит графики этих функций - пересекаются